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History of Rixx Lotion


Jerry & Donna Govan's Inspiration

The original Rix (with 1 "x") Lotion was developed as a horse liniment in the 1960’s. Jerry Govan had a background of horseback riding, and through business associates, met Mr Rix, who had a reputation with his herbal witch hazel lotion to heal horses. Jerry became the promoter of a company using the herbal lotion and they brought 3 horses back to the track that people said would never run again. Jerry also first used the original Rix Lotion on his tennis elbow and shoulder. The lotion gained popularity in the Southern California Region in the late 60’s and early 70’s, even being used by some notable professional athletes including the LA Rams as a sports lotion. Some Hollywood professionals used the lotion through Ed Parker Sr at his Kempo Karati studio. This included Elvis Presley whose black belt instructor and personal body guard was Ed Parker Sr! After 1974, the original Rix lotion was not being produced; however, Jerry acquired the original formula for Rix lotion.

For many years, Jerry focused on his normal business as a real estate developer of retirement communities, however, he began mixing the lotion on his own to continue to ease his aches and pains, moisturize his skin, and to share it with friends and family.

In 1980, Jerry produced a new natural version of the formula for his daughter, a ranked tennis player, skier and collegiate squash player. Playing for the national squash championship, she had a severe knee injury and used the new “Rixx” lotion to help her recover and play competitive sports again in a short period of time.

One of Jerry’s most memorable personal results from the use of Rixx Lotion occurred after he underwent colon surgery in 1993 from a sports related injury. His feet and toes ached so badly that he could not sleep or walk to recover. Rixx Lotion controlled his inflammation and the pain caused by the inflammation and allowed him to sleep, walk and then enjoy a quick recovery.

Another point of inspiration for Jerry’s new Rixx Lotion occurred in 2005. Jerry was able to help his 92 year old mother get back on her feet after a hip replacement, combined with a bad fall that had her doctors saying she would never walk again. Jerry used meridian therapy and Rixx lotion on his mother over a two week period of time… who then walked out of the hospital under her own power with a walker. Within a month, using the lotion, she was able to walk around her house on her own without a walker.

In 2008, Jerry and Donna Govan wrote the book, Take the “E” out of Ego & Go! Through the process of writing the book together, they discovered their mutual commitment to turn Jerry’s long time health passion into a vehicle to help more than just family and friends! They wanted to bring the lotion out as a natural product and the addition of Aloe Vera as a penetrant allowed this to happen. From 2010 to the present Jerry & Donna, and their manufacturer have enhanced the lotion to be what it is today. Today’s Rixx Herbal Lotion is the result of 49 years of life research and development. Jerry and Donna have been and continue to be students of natural health options and meridian therapy. They view Rixx Lotion as the vehicle to fulfill their life commitment of helping others.


Jerry & Donna Govan

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